Your Challenge
Collective QIPP programmes savings of £30bn needed
Increasing demands arising from ageing population with long-term conditions
Health and Social Care budgets complex and changing

How the CCG QIPP Accelerator
can help you
Establishes a single source of QIPP performance with health economy-wide reporting to improve visibility and accountability
Automates programme and project reporting free-up your time to focus on delivery
Improves internal capability so you are in comtrol without reliance on external agencies
Enables appropriate prioritisation by understanding the inter-relationships between QIPP Programme dekiverables and stratgeic and operational benefits
Reduces risk to QIPP delivery by identifying and litigating programme risks

CCG QIPP Accelerator
Maximising your delivery of QIPP targets
Our Solution
Sirius Partners has developed the QIPP Accelerator to help you take control of your QIPP delivery programmes; rapidly diagnose current operational and financial performance and put in place credible plans and ensure progress.

We will show you how to:
Control your QIPP Programme
Hold organisations to account in your local health economy for their part in delivery
Prioritise activities which deliver the greatest return on investment
Implement a real-time view of progress against plans
Understand where there is duplication, inefficiency and poor return-on-investment
Quickly and easily produce reports with accurate and up-to-date content
Ensure QIPP reporting is a by-product of your daily activities