Your Challenge
A key part of an NHS Trust’s Service Transformation is to develop Integrated Care Pathways supported by enabling Technology.
It is therefore critical that the IT Service delivery within the Trust is fit for purpose in supporting operational and strategic requirements of the Trust.

NHS Trust Information Management & Technology (IM&T)Service Review
Ensuring NHS Trust IT Service Delivery is fit for purpose
Align services. Deploy effectively. Deliver capability.

Delivers an assessment of available resources (financial, staff and skills) to deliver IM&T services
Ensures effective service delivery which meets current and future NHS Trust requirements, using the most efficient processes available.
Identifies likely Return on Investment (ROI) for each activity - which may be expressed as cash-releasing, enabling other activities, cost avoidance or saving opportunity cost.
Why the IM&T Service Revew is Important To You
Our Solution
IM&T Strategy Review
An assessment of the alignment of the IM&T service priorities against Trust strategic objectives, to ensure that they are supported by the most effective use of Information and IT solutions.
IM&T Governance
An assessment of whether the current IM&T Governance model is best placed to ensure are supported by effective deployment of IT solutions.
IM&T Structure
An assessment of the most appropriate model to meet future Trust requirements and to identify recommendations for the most ‘fit-for-purpose’ arrangements. There is a need to consider end-to-end IM&T service requirements and to consider options including in-house, outsourced, SLA arrangements and other appropriate delivery models.

Operational Capacity
The review identifies the best delivery model for the Trust’s current and future requirements, and whether there is benefit in developing internal operational delivery capability and capacity.
IM&T training and support functions
In common with other NHS organisations, there is the need to consider the provision of 7-day services to clients. If the patient-facing service needs to be available 24/7, then key enabling services such as IM&T also need to be available to support those clinical services.