Jeremy Hunt and Sirius Partners – Matching the Vision
Jeremy Hunt’s vision for the CCGs is underpinned in practical form by Sirius Partners’ unique methodology and cloud-based CCG Performance Accelerator system.

Jeremy Hunt’s Vision
Jeremy Hunt MP, Secretary of State for Health, referred to his passion for the NHS in his speech at the recent Health + Care and Commissioning Show. He challenged the CCGs to use their powers and freedoms to innovate at local level and in particular:
to become accountable care organisations (a phrase repeated several times)
to take responsibility for the entire delivery of healthcare for the populations they represent
show vision and leadership
to develop a truly integrated healthcare system.
He compared the old system of targets and spending to the new peer-review culture made possible by having data and information available to track and monitor how an accountable care organisation is doing against their peers, in order to drive change.
He made reference to the Better Care Fund, alluding to the opportunities and challenges resulting for the requirement for collaboration between CCGs and Local Authorities and the opportunities for co-commissioning with NHS England. He placed CCGs firmly in the driving seat for delivering integrated care.
Jeremy Hunt identified four critical factors for success:
the ability to track the total costs for every single one of the individuals for which are commissioning care in an area
the sharing of electronic records
the full involvement of the acute sector
leadership and the vision to make this happen
Making the Vision Happen
Sirius Partners supports CCGs to become accountable care organisations through the deployment of the CCG Performance Accelerator, a comprehensive web-based business and knowledge management system putting CCG leaders in control by making performance visible and hence promoting accountability.
It supports CCGs in taking responsibility for the delivery of healthcare to their populations by both helping to manage delivery and by tracking, monitoring and measuring performance across the spectrum of healthcare outcomes.
The utilisation of CCG Performance Accelerator demonstrates the CCG vision in terms of delivery and performance and enables collaboration across the whole healthcare economy.
Jeremy Hunt placed the responsibility for delivery of healthcare outcomes squarely on the shoulders of CCGs; Sirius Partners is well placed to support CCGS to make this a reality.
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